Rest Assured APIs with Postman and Java培訓
Postman and API Testing
API testing vs Unit testing vs UI testing
Overview of Protocols Supported by Postman
Soap, Rest, HTTP, GraphQL
Path parameters vs query parameters
Fundamentals of API Testing
Get requests
Post requests
Parameterize requests
Preparing the Development Environment
Installing and configuring Postman
Installing and configuring Cucumer BDD
Installing and configuring REST Assured
Installing and configuring TestNG
Installing and configuring Eclipse
Installing and configuring Maven
Postman Quickstart
Creating collections
Sending API requests
Creating environments and variables
Implementing presets
Writing testscripts
REST Assured API with Maven
Generating a project
Adding dependencies
Sending requests
Creating complex JSON
Validating responses
TestNG Framework
Creating tests
Running multiple and parallel tests
Reporting in TestNG
REST Assured
Automating requests
Automating response validation
Cucumber BDD
Using parameterization
Adding lists and databases
Integrating TestNG
Reporting in Cucumber
Adding REST assured API
Summary and Conclusion