Blender: 3D Modeling Fundamentals培訓
Blender vs Autodesk 3ds Max vs Cinema 4D
Overview of Blender features and benefits
Getting Started
Installing Blender
Basic modeling concepts
Navigating the UI
Editing Basics
Types of editors
Switching between edit and object modes
Vertices, edges, and faces
Editing mesh data and objects
Modeling Meshes
Modeling modes
Structuring meshes
Adding primitives
Selecting and editing meshes
Object data, vertex groups, and custom data
UV maps and unwrapping
Mesh analysis and retopology
Curves and Surfaces
Tools and structure
Bézier and NURBS
Transforming objects
Shapes and splines
Metaballs and Hair Particles
Tools and structure
Adding and editing meta objects
Using grease pencil
Modifying particles
Sculpting and Painting
Enabling selection masking
Using the brush tool
Shaping models in sculpt mode
Adaptive sculpting methods
Editing UV textures and images
Animation and Rigging
Keyframes and keying sets
Using armature for rigging
Applying the lattice
Constraints, actions, and drivers
Markers, shape keys, and motion paths
Rendering 3D Scenes
Render engines in Blender
Eevee, cycles, and workbench
Using cameras, light objects, and materials
Shading nodes and color management
Freestyle non-photorealistic (NPR) rendering
Using layers and passes
Rendering and previewing animations
Exporting Files
Supported media formats
Exporting files to Alembic
Using the Collada module
Exporting files as USD, SVG, and PDF
Summary and Next Steps