課程目錄:Angular 12培訓
        4401 人關注

           Angular 12培訓




        What is Angular?
        What's new in Angular 12?
        Overview of Typescript and ES6 JavaScript

        TypeScript Syntax
        Using the TypeScript transpiler
        Setting up Angular 12 and Typescript
        Overview of Angular 12's Parts

        Angular CLI
        Inputs and Outputs
        Data Binding and Interpolation
        Event Binding
        Data Modelling
        Experimental Webpack
        Creating Your First Angular Application

        Planning the Application
        Setting Up an Angular Project
        Creating a mobile friendly UI using Bootstrap 4 and Sass
        Creating a Component

        Understanding the Component Lifecycle
        Data Flow
        Using Templates and Styles
        Projecting Content
        Working with AppModule
        Working with Custom Components
        Using View Encapsulation
        Implementing Lifecycle Hooks
        Using ViewChildren and ContentChildren
        Data Binding in Angular 12

        Understanding Property and Event Binding
        Binding and Assigning Aliases to Custom Properties
        Binding and Assigning Aliases to Custom Events
        Working with Directives

        Built-in Directives
        Custom Directives
        Angular 12 Services

        Creating a Logging Service
        Creating a Data Service
        Using Dependency Injection and Providers

        Injectors, Provider, and Tokens
        Configuring Dependency Injection
        Configuring Your Provider
        Injecting Services into Components, Directives, and Services
        Switching Pages with Routing

        Understanding the Different Navigation Methods
        Routing Strategies
        Setting Up Routes
        Configuring and Loading Routes
        Using Parameters in Routes
        Creating Nested Routes
        Using Redirect and Wildcard Routes
        Understanding Route Guards
        Using RxJS to Create and Work with Observables in Angular

        Overview of Observables
        Overview of RxJS
        Building & Using Observables in Angular
        Generating Forms for User Input

        Using the Template Driven Forms
        Using the Reactive Forms
        Creating custom validation
        Validating, filtering, and sanitizing form data
        Using Pipes

        Transforming output
        Built-in Pipes
        Async Pipe
        Custom Pipes
        Making Calls to External HTTP APIs

        Sending requests
        Testing the Angular 12 Application

        Using Jasmine for unit testing
        Exploring Protractor alternatives for end-to-end testing
        Debugging the Application

        Understanding Error Messages in Angular
        Using Sourcemaps to Debug Code in the Browser
        Reading TypeScript Compilor diagnostics
        Using Augury to debug inside a browser
        Optimizing the Angular 12 Application

        Reworking the code
        Reducing bundle size and eliminating dead-code
        Angular 12 Security

        How authentication works
        Using JWT authentication
        What should and shouldn't be written in Angular
        Deploying an Angular 12 Application to Production

        Deploying to IIS, Apache, Nginx, etc.
        Angular 12 Best Practices


        Summary and Conclusion