Oracle 10g Reports Builder培訓(xùn)
Oracle 10g Reports Builder培訓(xùn)
1. Introduction to Oracle Reports
Oracle reports overview
Working with Oracle reports on the client and the Web
Report builder, synchronization, help
2. Run a Report on The Client
Paper design and web layout actions, from the command line, pass a parameter to a report, generate report output
3. Creating a Tabular Reports
Creating a tabular report, the Report Wizard, report choices and style, data source type and definition, displayed fields in the report, add summaries, modify labels, report templates and viewer
4. Create Master-Detail Reports
Create a master group, query, group fields, create a detail group in the wizard, data model for a single report, and a master detail report, layout for a group left report, create a detail group manually, data model for a group above report, repeating frames, page number and date/time in a report
5. Create Form Letter Reports
Create a form letter, query, text, add boilerplate in the layout, explore the margin section, import an image
6. Create Mailing Label Reports
Create mailing labels, and query, add boilerplate to mailing labels, repeat frames in multiple directions, Frame Property Inspector
7. Create Form Reports
Create a form-like report, form report query and labels, a field in the paper payout, field property Inspector, toolbars in the layout, create report documentation
8. Create Data Model Groups
Create a query in the data model, Query and Group Property Inspector, add a group filter, link queries, create a PL/SQL query, create a PL/SQL package and query function, Ref Cursor Property Inspector
9. Create Data Model Columns
Creating data model columns, summary columns, Column Property Manager, create grand total and formula columns, placeholder columns
10. Create Matrix Reports
Creating a matrix report, add summaries to a matrix report, matrix report labels, output, data model, layout, create a matrix in the data model, create a cross product in the data model
11. Enhance Matrix Reports
Creating a matrix group report, matrix group query, rows, columns, cell fields, summaries, labels, data model, output, layout, create a nested matrix report, add matrix summaries in the data model
12. Using Parameters
System parameter, create a BIND parameter, Parameter Property Inspector, validation triggers, creating a lexical parameter, static list of variable, BIND versus lexical, generate parameter form, parameter form editor, size, at runtime
13. Create or Modify Layout Objects
Create a header and trailer page, formatting data, conditional formatting
Confine Mode OFF and ON, FLEX Mode OFF and ON, select parent frame, print objects, object elasticity, page breaks, multi-panel reports, column mode, create a report block, create explicit anchors
14. Embed a Graph in a Report
The Graph Wizard, select the graph type and position the graph, choose the X or Y axis, graph layout, titles, legend, options, output, property inspector, hyperlinks
15. Using PL/SQL in Reports
Understanding PL/SQL, pre-defined packages and exceptions, PL/SQL functions in triggers, creating and attaching external PL/SQL, PL/SQL trace and debug features
16. Create Reports for the Web
JSP, JSP tags, web source, create a bookmark, generate HTML and PDF output, adding HTML header or footer, creating hyperlinks, report escapes
17. Run a Report on the Web
Environment variables, static and dynamic reporting, three-tier architecture, how to deploy a report, test a report on the client, the report in a Web Browser
18. Create Report Triggers
Five report triggers, PL/SQL block structure, create a procedure or function, create and view a report trigger, create and store code in a PL/SQL library, attach a PL/SQL Library, stored Procedures versus library
19. Create Other Report Triggers
Group Filter Triggers, Validation Triggers, format Triggers on fields and frames
20. The SRW Package
Send a message, run a report in the background, set field values, perform SQL statements, set formatting
21. Use Xml in Oracle Reports
Generate XML output, report definition tags, partial and complete XML report, run an XML report, apply and XML format
22. Use the Report Queue Manager
Report services, queue manager, schedule a report job