Teamcenter 將人員、流程與知識有機地聯系起來,從而激發創造力并提高生產效率。Teamcenter 在開放式PLM基礎架構之上,為數字化生命周期管理提供了一整套完善的解決方案。
Part I. Usage
Day1 A Teamcenter Basics
1 Working in the thin client or rich client interface
2 Using the My Teamcenter application
3 Organizing your Teamcenter data
4 Performing searches
5 Referencing database objects
6 Working in groups and roles Adjusting user settings
7 Adjusting user settings
8 Viewing data access permissions
9 Creating items and datasets
10 Working with dataset versions
11 Creating new data from existing data
12 Using check-in and check-out
Day2 B Using Product Structure Editor (PSE)
1 View an assembly structure in PSE
2 Use revision rules to configure product structure
3 Differentiate between precise and imprecise structures
4 Build and modify product structures
5 Create a substitute assembly component
6 Compare product structures
C Working with visualization data (2D & 3D)
1 Locate and view visualization data
2 Working with parts in the Teamcenter for lifecycle
3 visualization embedded viewer
Day3 D Using Workflow
1 Initiate a workflow process
2 Select signoff teams
3 Use resource pools
4 Access assigned workflow tasks
5 Perform assigned workflow tasks
6 Track the status of a workflow process
E Change Management
1 Create a change object
2 Submit a change object to a change process
3 Perform tasks in the change process
4 Create supersedures
5 View supersedure data
6 Set and view effectivity
Part II. Installation
Day4 A Teamcenter architecture
1 Two-tier
2 Four-tier
3 Deployment Servers – their purpose and software installations
B Teamcenter directories and content
3 Volumes
C Installing Oracle and creating databases
1 Installing Oracle Server
2 Using Teamcenter DBCA templates
3 Oracle HOME, Oracle SID
4 Starting and Stopping
- Oracle Processes
- Oracle Listener
- Oracle Databases
Day5 D License Corporate Server
1 Setup Options – Solutions and Features
3 Directory Structure
4 pom schema file
5 iman_profilevars
E License install and setup
F Managing Teamcenter volumes
1 With installation utility and manually with command line utility
2 Teamcenter File Management System (FMS)
3 Teamcenter Secure File Management System (TCFS)
G Install Two-tier Rich Client
1 With NX/Manager and Teamcenter Visualization
H Install all needed Four-tier and Over-The-Web components
1 Web Application Manager
2 Web Tier Application
I Create, Stage and Deploy four-tier distribution instances
J Configuring Teamcenter Web
K Administration Utilities
1 Solving database locks
2 Purging data and files
3 Updating the pom schema and transmit files |